📜Sunday Scroll📜

***HomeGymCon Tickets will increase by more than 10% in 2 weeks. You know we have a lot more vendors, but eight times more people have bought tickets compared to this time last year as well.

Alright, let’s scroll!

PSA from @figjam_exerciser - The new SS4 Knurled Handles (can be purchased individually) will fit the Titan V2 SSB.

Introducing Kabuki Bar Sauce -  “a proprietary blend of two dozen minerals and hydrocarbons designed to provide exceptional corrosion resistance on bare metal (or black oxide) barbells and other metal surfaces.”

Today is the last day to order from REP and get before 12/25.

You can sign up for THE LIFT-OFF at HomeGymCon (Oly Lifting Meet) HERE

This isn’t a great look for the new Nike Bumper Plates (via @chickenhomegym)

For anyone who would benefit from a discount code to Prime Fitness, @man_who_parks_in_gym has you covered (man_who_parks_in_gym is the code, and additional specifics are in the post below)

Additional Attachments are coming to the Wide Body Bench Soon.

Incredibly Unique Bar from @rawform_strength

Thank you for scrolling!